N6781A - Keysight (Agilent) Power Supply

N6781A Product Literature

  • Model: N6781A
  • Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent Technologies

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Keysight Agilent N6781A Two-Quadrant Source / Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, 20 V, ±1 A or 6 V, ±3 A, 20 W.

Glitch-free sourcing and measurement - change output and measurement ranges without any glitches
2-quadrant operation - perform as a voltage or current source or as a CV or CC electronic load
Four current measurement ranges - precisely capture the current levels of the DUT during different modes of operation
Excellent transient response - keep voltage or current stable during high-speed load changes
Fast modulation of DC - create waveforms up to 100 kHz to stimulate or load down the DUT
High-speed digitized measurements - capture/view the power consumption of the DUT up to every 5 µs with built-in 200 kHz digitizer


Output Ratings:
Voltage: Up to 20 V
Current: Up to ±3 A
Power: 20 W

Programming Accuracy (at 23°C ± 5°C after 30 minute warm-up. Applies from min. to max. program):
Voltage, 20 V range: 0.025% + 1.8 mV
Voltage, 6 V range: 0.025% + 600 µV
Current, 3 A and 1 A ranges: 0.04% + 300 µA
Current, 300 mA range: 0.03% + 150 µA

Transient Response:
< 30 mV of droop in response to 0.15A / µs current transients

Measurement Accuracy (at 23°C ± 5°C):
Voltage, 20 V range: 0.025% + 1.2 mV*
Current, 3 A range: 0.03% + 250 µA*
Current, 100 mA range: 0.025% + 10 µA*
Current, 10 µA range: 0.025% + 8 nA


Keysight N6781A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for the task of battery drain analysis. Whether the device-under-test (DUT) is a mobile phone, or pacemaker, the N6781A's seamless measurement ranging, programmable output resistance, and auxiliary DVM combine to be the best set of advanced features on the market for battery drain analysis. When used with the 14585A Control and Analysis software, the N6781A becomes an even more powerful battery drain analysis solution, offering additional insights into your measurements.
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