N9952A - Keysight (Agilent) Network Analyzer

  • Model: N9952A
  • Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent Technologies

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Keysight Agilent N9952A 300 kHz to 50 GHz FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer with options 233, 235, 236, 307, 310, and 312 (see below for description).

Installed Options:
233 – Spectrum analyzer
235 – Pre-amplifier
236 – Interference analyzer and spectrogram
307 – GPS receiver
310 – Built-in power meter
312 – Channel scanner

50 GHz max frequency
Carry industry’s first 50 GHz handheld µW analyzer: standard model includes cable and antenna analyzer
Expand capabilities with optional VNA, spectrum analyzer, built-in power meter, vector voltmeter, and more
Save time by measuring DTF and TDR in a single sweep
Simultaneously measure all four S-parameters
Make accurate SA measurements (± 0.5 dB) without needing warm-up
Easily measure average and pulse power with a USB sensor
Lightest all-in-one analyzer at only 7.1 lb. (3.2 kg)

The N9952A 50 GHz FieldFox microwave analyzer base function is a cable and antenna analyzer and can be configured to include a spectrum and full 2-port network analyzer. To save space in a field kit, built-in capabilities can be added to provide up to 10 instruments in 1. The N9952A can be ordered with additional capabilities: power meter, independent signal generator, vector voltmeter, interference analyzer, variable DC source, and built-in GPS receiver.

Fifty to sixty percent of microwave-link equipment issues are related to cables, antennas and connectors. Degraded feeder lines cause poor coverage, link failures, and reduced sensitivity in the receive path. To maintain the quality of a microwave link, it is critical to keep cable and antenna systems in good working condition. FieldFox Cable and Antenna Analyzers are uniquely qualified to provide all the necessary measurements to troubleshoot and maintain these systems.
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